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Iperius Remote for Windows 7: how to enable TLS
For Windows 7 operating system (and for Windows Server 2012), due to missing updates from Microsoft itself (since 2019), the following actions are required to make Iperius Remote 4 work:
If you’re migrating from Iperius Remote 3:
Verify that the Client account is correctly configured inside Iperius Remote 3. If is not, configured it inside the software as described in the paragraph “How to configure the Client Account” here.
- Enable the TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols (disabled by default)
- Check that antivirus and firewall do not prevent the software from communicating with the outside
You can see more info here on the Microsoft website:
https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/topic/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-default-secure-protocols-in-winhttp-in- windows-c4bd73d2-31d7-761e-0178-11268bb10392
Now you can download Iperius Remote 4 from the website and installing on the remote Windows 7 following the tutorial:
How to update to Iperius Remote 4
For any questions or doubts regarding this tutorial,