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How to update to Iperius Remote 4
Iperius Remote 4 is a completely new software compared to previous versions (Iperius Remote 3.x) and for this reason it is not compatible with them. Versions 3 and 4 can be used on the same computer without any conflict, but are not compatible with each other.
It is not possible to connect from an Iperius Remote 4 to an Iperius Remote 3 or vice versa.
All users will then have to update their installations in order to take advantage of the new features of Iperius Remote 4.
Mandatory Requirements for Windows 7 OS
To update a remote computer where version 3 is currently installed (typically the computer or server of a customer who receives remote support from us), proceed with the following steps:
Connection to the remote computer to be updated, using Iperius Remote 3:
Connect to the remote computer where Iperius Remote 3 is installed using your current version of Iperius Remote 3 (you can connect using your address book or by specifying the remote ID):
Download of Iperius Remote 4 on the remote computer:
On the remote computer, open the browser and download Iperius Remote 4 from this page: https://www.iperiusremote.com/download-iperius-remote-desktop-windows.aspx
Starting Iperius Remote 4 the first time, to get the current configuration automatically imported:
Run Iperius Remote 4 on the remote computer. When the program is first opened, the essential configurations of the currently installed version 3 will be automatically imported, including the 9-digit unique ID and custom password (if set). Finally, the remote computer will be automatically added to your new address book (available both within the program and in the new administrative area: https://remote.iperius.com/
Installation as a service for unattended access:
If Iperius Remote 3 was installed as a service (for automatic and unattended access), you can also manually install Iperius Remote 4 as a service, to enable automatic access without user intervention for the next connections.
After these simple steps, you will be able to connect to the remote computer both using Iperius Remote 3 and the new Iperius Remote 4, which of course you will also have to download and start on your workstation.
You no longer need to insert the Client Account.
Authentication and use of Iperius Remote 4 on the operator’s computer:
To view your address book, you will need to authenticate on Iperius Remote 4, using the credentials you already have:
Once authenticated with your credentials, you will be able to access your previous address book and also the new administrative area. For the use of Iperius Remote by operators who provide remote support, there are no other steps to take.
Here you can find the complete Configuration Guide for Iperius Remote 4.
If you are not yet an Iperius Remote customer, click here to compare editions and buy a license. You will have access to all the advanced features for remote support and smart working.
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