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File transfer with Iperius Remote Desktop

Iperius Remote has a easy to use two-way file transfer functionality. You can use this function to transfer files and folders to remote computers (upload) or to take files and folders from remote computers (download).

The interface is very simple, quite similar to a FTP client one, where you have your local computer on the left and the remote computer on the right. You can move, rename or delete files even remotely, and of course you can transfer one or more files or folders with a simple click. You can see below an example of the Iperius Remote file transfer window:

In order to open the file transfer just click on the appropriate button in the toolbar of the remote desktop window, as shown in the image above. When you need to transfer a file from local to remote computer just select it and click on the upload arrow, as shown in the image.

In some situations, when the configuration of the NAT / Firewall allows it, the file transfer will be in direct mode (Peer to Peer), thus guaranteeing the maximum possible speed (in other cases, due to more restrictive configurations, the file transfer could be slower).

Delta File Transfer:

Furthermore, if the destination file exists, Iperius Remote will transfer only the actually modified parts of the file (Delta File Transfer), thus obtaining a very fast transfer, especially when the file to be transferred is large enough and has undergone only minimal changes. It will also be even faster for file transfers between computers within the same LAN.

Transfer of folders:

Iperius Remote can also transfer entire folders in incremental mode, and also transfer multiple files at the same time, so optimizing speed and used bandwidth.

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