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How to customize Iperius Remote with your brand
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Iperius Remote is the only remote support software that allows a real “full rebranding“, ie the possibility of being completely “renamed” with the name and icon of your company.
The personalization of Iperius Remote, in fact, does not only involve entering the data of your company into the software, but allows you to change the name of the software itself and its main icon. This is very important for your corporate image, especially when remote assistance is one of the key services of your business.
Finally, Iperius Remote allows you to preset several important options within the customized version, to automate and better manage remote desktop sessions.
The possibility of generating customized Iperius Remote executables is included starting from the Pro edition, while if you want to use it also with lower edtions, you can purchase this option separately, with a one-off price of € 150.
Let’s see below the few simple steps necessary to generate and download a customized Iperius Remote executable:
Once you have purchased a Pro version, or the customization license for minor versions, access the licenses page, where, on the Iperius Remote license line, you will see a specific link available, as shown in the figure below:
By clicking on the link, a window will open where you can set all the customization parameters:
If you have previously generated a custom executable, you will already find the link to download it at the top of the page.
In any case, immediately below we have the various fields that we can insert or modify. As we see in the figure, we can immediately specify the name of the executable file and the name of the software (the one that will appear for example in the title bar of the main window).
Iperius is the only remote support software that allows you full rebranding, i.e. the ability to change the software name and icon as well. Maximum adherence to your company brand.
Then you can enter the username of the Master Account, which is needed to automatically authenticate remote computers within your “list of computers” (the address book). So, as soon as a remote computer connects in in receive mode, you can immediately see it in your address book.
In the next field you can also set a specific password to remotely access the computers on which this customized version runs. This password can obviously be changed on the remote client even later (in any case, Iperius Remote allows a remote computer to be added to multiple address books, a fundamental feature when several companies need to support the computer of the same customer).
In the image below you can see where the specific password will be automatically configured in the program:
Finally, you can enter your company data, which will be shown in the main program window (company name, website, email address and telephone number).
Advanced settings:
Let’s then move on to the next options, scrolling down the page:
The available options are as follows:
Architecture: we can decide whether to generate the 32-bit or 64-bit executable file
View-only mode: check this option if we want the remote client to have the option to prevent remote control enabled (therefore to allow only screen sharing and instead prevent the use of the mouse, keyboard and of file transfer ).
Receive mode only: this option, selected by default, causes the customized client to show only a part of the interface, ie the one for receiving remote connections. However, it will not be possible to use the customized client to remotely connect to another computer.
Allow to change settings in “receive mode only”: by enabling this option, when the software is configured to work only in receive mode, it will still be possible to access the general settings of the program.
Run the program directly (no installer wizard): by ticking this option, the customized client will start directly when the user double clicks. The usual window asking whether to run or install the software will not appear.
Allow to enable/disable autostart (unattended access): ticking this option allows the user on the remote computer to enable or disable the automatic start of the program, i.e. the ability to activate or deactivate the silent mode.
Icon file: you can select an icon on your computer to be used by the software in all its windows and as an icon of the executable file. It must be an .ico file with dimensions 16, 32, 48 and 265 pixels inside. Iperius is the only remote desktop software that also allows you to customize the icon.
Also generate MSI package (for mass deployment through GPO): ticking this option will generate a further setup file with the .MSI extension, necessary if you want to install Iperius massively on all computers within a domain using the Group Policies Objects (GPO). Iperius does not require .MST files. For more information, see the related guide.
Please note: in order for Iperius Remote to start in silent mode, and therefore automatically, when it is distributed via MSI and GPO, it is necessary to specify the custom password . Furthermore, to have the remote computers (where Iperius is deployed) automatically included in your address book, you must specify the Master user name.
Address book:
In the image below you can see how newly connected remote clients appear in the list of computers of an operator or administrator:
All remote computers that, when connecting, have the customized version with the Master Account set, will automatically be displayed in the address book. Double clicking on the computer will start the remote desktop session.
Going back to the custom executable file generation window, the other important option we were talking about is the “view only mode“. If you check this, remote clients will not allow to use the mouse and keyboard. Therefore, you will not be able to really take control of those machines but only see what happens on the screen. This mode can be useful for a simple screen sharing or for presentations where you do not want those who connect to interact with the remote machine and perhaps make unwanted changes. When this mode is active, file transfer will also be disabled.
Generate and download the custom client:
Once we have set all the options the way we want, we can finally click on the button to generate the custom executable (“Generate custom exe file“) and wait. The process should take about a minute, during which time you don’t have to leave the page. The following waiting message will be displayed:
Once the executable file has been created, it will be immediately possible to download it by clicking the link at the top of the page:
You can then make this file available for download on your company website, to immediately provide your customers with a perfect remote support service.
Here is an example of a custom remote client:
In receive only mode:
In full mode:
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